International Environment
Hear From Our Employees

Andre Heskamp (Digitalization & Operations IT, Asia Pacific)
Since 2019, I work in Schaeffler Vietnam as the regional Head for Digitalization and Operations IT Asia Pacific. After having worked several years in Germany, I decided to pursue a new opportunity in Asia to gather new experiences, get to immerse myself in new cultures through working in an international environment. I chose Vietnam due to the strong development of this country, where there is a strong growth mindset in Vietnam. The experience here has definitely benefitted me in my personal and professional development, working in an international and intercultural team and stepping out of my comfort zone. Schaeffler Vietnam has a strong teamwork approach and you feel being part of a big family. Everyone moves in the same direction and in a supportive manner, which makes daily work very exciting and interesting. I am thankful to be a part of Schaeffler Vietnam and grateful for having all these experiences.

Lenka Kyzekova (Plant Management, Vietnam)
I have been working for Schaeffler since 2000, starting in the HR department and transitioning to other functions like Logistics, Prototype Centre and Production Planning. Each department taught me something new, and my skills have been improved by each new position. I also supported the relocation projects from Germany and Schaeffler Skalica to Schaeffler Kysuce, and more. Working for Schaeffler and these projects have enabled me to develop my skills and knowledge. In 2017, I started work on the relocation project for our product, ISO RIBB. I was later asked to relocate to Vietnam to continue relocation project based there. I saw this as a great opportunity to hand over the knowledge and skills that I have gained from the years of experience working for this company. Currently, I am working in the PMO team and leading the Honda ACBB project, where I can further improve my abilities and grow within this company. What I enjoy about working in Schaeffler Vietnam is being able to also work with the young talents that bring about many fresh new ideas to empower and drive the company forward.

Puhulwellage Dushan Chanuka (Plant Logistics, Vietnam)
Moving to Vietnam from Sri Lanka to further my studies two years ago, I decided to join Schaeffler Vietnam right upon graduation as a Digitalization and Logistics intern. The experience and skills I have gained from joining a global company like Schaeffler was phenomenal. It played a crucial role in my professional transformation and in my career development. I was able to gain a broader range of knowledge in all disciplines, and was always encouraged to look beyond the technical aspects of a project, factoring organizational and business perspectives as well. This approach has enabled me to make valuable contributions towards the organizational goals. The one thing that I love most about Schaeffler Vietnam is the inclusivity and its unique corporate culture. Everyone is open-minded, professional and supportive with helping each other to make significant contributions together.

Ajay Nigade (Purchasing, Vietnam)
I started in Schaeffler India in 2010 with the purchasing function. Since then, I have grown professionally under the coaching, mentorship and guidance of both superiors and peers. A decade later, I took the opportunity to work at Scheffler Vietnam when it was offered. It was challenging to relocate to a new location for an extended period of time, despite my experience in traveling for business purposes to China, Europe and America. Despite the challenges with relocation, Schaeffler has taken good care of my family and me during the transition, and further check to ensure that we are well settled, especially given the COVID-19 pandemic. It has been a great opportunity to work in a multicultural environment. This experience helped sharpen my skills, and also allowed me to contribute to the growth of Schaeffler Vietnam.

Chai Shuhua (Segment 2, Vietnam)
I started my career with Schaeffler China in 2004. Since then, I was given the opportunities and was exposed to different positions from Relocation Project Leader to Production Manager, and then Segment Leader. In April 2019, I had an opportunity to visit Schaeffler Vietnam’s new factory. There I saw an advanced, modern factory office, with the young team full of energy, motivation and passion. Above all, this team’s vision of making their Factory to be the best and most digitalized factory Schaeffler-wide, drove me to decide being a part of them. I truly appreciate being a part of this amazing team, working together day by day, striving for continued improvement. I like Schaeffler Vietnam’s culture of empowerment, allowing for employees to step up and take on a multitude of diverse challenges.

Vi Thanh Tuan (Plant Logistics, Vietnam)
Born, raised and worked in Germany for over 10 years, I decided to move back to Vietnam at the end of 2016, in search of new challenges and to trace on the origins of my culture and heritage. In the following year, I started my role in Schaeffler Vietnam as the Head of Plant Logistics, and was fortunate enough to join the new plant project from the early stages of planning, moving and ramping up. Within this big project, I had the opportunity to work with a diverse pool of nationalities, and I eventually found myself appreciating working in a diverse workplace.